Single Knit Course Gauge Raceway machine, highly flexible and can easily be converted to E3.2RE for use throughout the seasons.
Technical details
Diameter: 30" - 34"
Gauge: 7G - 12G
Frame: MXC Frame
Feeds: 48 - 54
Sinker Cams: Double Push
Take Up System: ACT-7 Servo-motor controlled friction roll system
End Use: Apparel, Home Textiles
Fabric Potential: Jersey
Yarn Feed System: MPF-P1 (separation) on 2 rings / 4 tapes
Optional Extras: - OD frame spec - Overhead bobbin rack - MXAC frame for auto-knit (ATSS+ACSS) - Large take-up on high legs - Parts &needles for extra 3-race spec. - Parts for elastomeric yarn plating (yarn feeding roller unit etc) - Yarn length meter - MEMMINGER-IRO Pulsonic oiler - CADRATEX - Auto-oiler & auto-blowing - Lint fans - Two door specification