Single Knit Electronic Jacquard, fine gauge with 3 position needle selection
Technical details
Diameter: 26" - 34"
Gauge: 16G - 36G
Frame: V Frame
Feeds: 60 - 84
Sinker Cams: Double Push
Take Up System: ACT motorized automatic friction roll system
End Use: Sports & Leisure, Apparel, Lingerie
Fabric Potential: Jacquard, Mesh, Jersey
Yarn Feed System: 1 LGL & 1 MPF per feed
Optional Extras: - High leg take up maximum diameter 850mm, - Plating yarn carriers and yarn guides, - Drop Stitch mesh cams and latch guards, - Elastomeric yarn feeding device, - Extra feeding for double end feed, - Pulsonic oiler, - Fabric scanner,