Automatic beading machine for HVAC ducts and chimneys.
A good beading option for high and flexible productivity of pipes and chimneys.
The TubBead H is an automatic beading machine for HVAC ducts and chimneys.
Its fully automatic mechanism allows the simultaneously beading of both ends of the tubes, in 15 seconds with practically no men intervention.
The TubBead H is an automatic machine for the beading of ventilation pipes, with thicknesses from 0.4 mm to 1.5 mm in stainless and galvanized steel.
This machine is ideal for manufacturing a high number of pieces per hour, since it works with short cycles.
The support system is quickly interchangeable. The supports adapt to the length of the tube and beads both ends without moving the tube, ensuring that it does not warp.
The axes of the upper and lower heads are always parallel, regardless of whether they are open or closed. The heads rapidly approach the length of the tubes.
The user can adjust rotation speed, pressures and almost any parameter involved in the process. Later they can be saved as presets for specific materials.
One of the towers can rotate 90º in order to operate manually longer tubes or for example an elbow figure.
SECURITY: Due to risks of finger entrapment, the machine has a security system using photoelectric barriers to avoid intrusion risk while operating.
READY TO WORK: There is no need to exchange the pattern roller when working different diameters, resulting in a high reduction of the set up times. All tube supports from Ø80 to Ø350 are included and easy to change (magnets positioning system).