Mott’s FCC/RFCC slurry oil filters excel at removing alumina-silica and other solids contaminants from main column bottom slurry feeds. With online clean-in-place automated backwashing, our slurry oil filters achieve filtrate quality below 100 ppm total suspended solids. This ensures the filtered oil can be used for blending or sold as valuable product into other applications. Backwashed slurry can be recycled back to the riser, decanted and concentrated, or sent directly to disposal or reprocessing. Mott’s install base includes 20+ filters on five continents in both FCC and RFCC applications.
Typical Applications
FCC/FCCU Main Column Bottom Slurry Filter
RFCC Main Column Bottom Slurry Filter
Hydrotreater Slurry Filter
Vessel Diameter -
Standard Diameters – 24” to 66” diameter vessels are standard to accommodate a large range of flow rates and production volumes, ranging from 1,000 barrels per day to 20,000 barrels per day
Solid Weight % -
Weight percentages between 0.1-1% are standard, but designs can be modified to accommodate unique feed streams
Standard Materials -
Standard filter element alloys – 316L SS
Standard vessel alloys – 316L SS
Other alloys are available, consult factory
Operating Temperatures -
Up to 800 degrees Fahrenheit
Custom alloys available to accommodate unique operating temperatures, consult factory
Cleaning -
LSI filters for FCC/RFCC are designed for clean-in-place performance. This means filter elements can discharge cake build-up without having to open the filter for maintenance. Once terminal pressure drop has been reached, the cleaning cycle automatically initiates.