Mott offers three types of hot gas and gasification filters as part of its comprehensive gas filtration system to remove solids from gas.
The GSP (Gas Solids Plenum) process filters, a key component of our gas filtration system, offer traditional outside-in filtration of process gases and steam, for applications where cost-effectiveness and ease of use are high priorities. Upon reaching a given differential pressure or cycle time, the feed is discontinued and the backflow cycle is engaged. HyPulse® GSV (Gas Solids Venturi) process filters, another integral part of our gas filtration system, use inside-out filtration technology and are ideal for continuous filtration.
Porous elements are pulsed in sections and cleaned while the unit remains on-line, ensuring efficient operation within the gas filtration system. Lastly, the GS (Trap Filter) process filter, designed for low solids loading and high flux rates, is a simple trap filter design that complements our versatile gas filtration system offerings.
Typical Applications
Mott’s Hot Gas & Gasification Filters are ideal choices for high temperature gas filtration. Our industrial gas filtration systems have been commonly used for:
Catalyst hopper vents
Removing contaminants from oxygen
Rust and pipe scale removal from steam
Recovery of polyethylene solids
Magnesium oxide solids
Catalyst recovery from fluid bed reactors
FCC 3rd and 4th stage separators
Gasification for fuels, chemicals, and power