Mott specializes in customizing porous metal sheet tailored to your application and specifications. Leveraging proprietary manufacturing techniques, we produce the industry’s thinnest porous metal sheet, with dimensions as thin as .007”. We can adjust parameters like length, width, thickness, alloys, and media grades of the porous metal sheet to address diverse filtration, flow, and chemical compatibility requirements for your product or process.
Typical Applications
Fuel Cells
Gas Generation
Gas Storage
Various filtration
Various flow control
Length -
Common Lengths – 10″, 12″, 24″, 40″
Width -
Common Widths – Less than 10”
Thickness -
Common Thicknesses – .039″-.125” (dependent on media grade)
Media Grades -
Common Media Grades – 0.2, 0.5, 2, 5, 10, 20, 40, 100
Materials -
Common alloys – 316LSS, Titanium, Nickel 200, Hastelloy® C-276, Inconel® 600
Operating Temperatures -
Alloys with temperature resistance up to 1700° degrees Fahrenheit are available.