The 920 nm and 1190 nm are made up of two modules: 2RU pump module 440 x 343 x 92 (mm), and the Femtosecond Fiber Laser - 284 x 324 x 116 (mm).
The high-power Mode Locked Femtosecond Fiber Lasers operate at the 920 nm and 1190 nm spectral range - which is traditionally covered by ultrafast Ti:Sapphire lasers and optical parameteric oscillators. They generate linearly polarized nearly transformed-limited pulses with a pulse duration of 200 fs, at a repetition rate of 80 MHz, and an average power of 1 W.
Compact and maintenance-free, the lasers are fiber-based, have a very good beam profile, and do not require optical alignment
The Femtosecond Fiber Laser is a natural product extension for MPB, with its extensive suite of Visible Fiber Lasers developed for the Microscopy industry, and its existing line of Picosecond Pulsed Mode Locked Fiber Lasers.
920 nm and 1190 nm MLFL
Emits sub 200-femtosecond optical pulses
Repetition rate of 80 MHz or custom
Average output power of 1 W at the central wavelengths of 920 nm and 1190 nm