For labels, pictures and narrow fabrics with slit selvedges.
■ New working width of 1200 mm
■ C-Series MÜDATA touchscreen - user-friendly dialogue panel for quick and simple operation
■ ROJ Super Elf G2 weft thread storage system with layer separation and integrated thread sur-veillance. The weft colour arrangement is set using a "re-placement and change" function.
■ Controlled warp let-off system with servomotor for the rapid and straightforward adjustment of warp thread tension
■ Electronically controlled VARISPEED system for binding- and weft thread-guided machine speeds
■ VARIPICK system with torque motor for low en-ergy consumption and quick and simple weft density setting
■ Individual air pressure settings for each of the eight weft colours
■ Separate on and off switching of the holding air, which provides a significant reduction in air consumption
■ In-house engineering and manufacture
■ High levels of productivity and order change flexibility
■ Quick and easy programming
■ Rapid cutting system resets
■ Comfortable exchange of rolled tapes
■ User-friendly and simple handling