NASH Deaeration Packages are Duplex Vacuum Systems consisting of an air ejector, two Vectra XL350 liquid ring vacuum pumps, interconnecting piping, and related instrumentation. The vacuum pumps and ejector are manufactured in Stainless Steel or Aluminum Bronze and the piping interconnections are manufactured in Fiberglass Reinforced Epoxy. These special materials of construction ensure the expected reliability even in the harsh conditions of offshore production.
Reliable and Efficient with Proven Performance
Removal of oxygen from well injection water helps to prevent corrosion and sub-surface solids build-up this prevents the formation of aerobic bacterial colonies (sulfur reducing bacteria) in the water injection flow lines. Incoming water is filtered and then sent to Deoxygenation Towers for the removal of oxygen. This process is facilitated by NASH vacuum pumps and an atmospheric air ejector.
Quiet Operation
Deaeration Packages include high-quality, sound-insulating enclosure panels and a low-noise, thermostatically-controlled, motor-driven fan. These features make the Deaeration system remarkably quiet during operation.
Designed to operate in harsh conditions
Designed to operate in the harsh conditions of offshore oil rigs & upstream production, this package consisting of NASH vacuum pumps and an ejector offers durability and reliability at a low cost of operation.
Materials of Construction: Pumps and Ejector: Stainless Steel, Aluminum bronze
Piping Interconnections: Fiberglass reinforced epoxy