• - Industrial Grade 1-Channel 4-20mA Current Receiver
• - Input Range 0-20mA with 15-bit Resolution
• - Auto ADC Transmission on Analog Voltage Change Detection
• - 10% Analog Voltage Change Detection
• - 2 Mile Line-of-Sight Range with On-Board Antenna
• - Superior LOS Range of up to 28 Miles with High-Gain Antennas
• - Interface to Raspberry Pi, Microsoft® Azure®, Arduino and More
• - Example Software for Visual Studio and LabVIEW®
• - Wireless Mesh Networking using DigiMesh®
• - Open Communication Protocol for Easy Software Integration
• - Power-Efficient Sleep Mode, Up to 10 Year Battery Life
- User Configurable Sleep duration
- Up to 500,000 Transmissions from 4 AA Batteries
• - Includes Battery Level with Every Transmission
• - Validates and Retries Lost Communication Packets
Industrial IoT Wireless 4-20mA Current Receiver
Introducing NCD’s Long Range One Channel Industrial IoT Wireless 4-20mA Current Receiver, boasting up to a 2 Mile range using a wireless mesh networking architecture. It incorporates a High resolution 1 channel 16-bit ADC that samples 4-20mA analog inputs at user defined intervals and transmits the result to remote modems and gateways. Between samples, this device enters a ultra-low power sleep mode to minimize power consumption. This Industrial IoT Wireless 4-20mA Current Receiver has an additional feature of detecting change in voltage every 7 seconds (user configurable) and sending out ADC samples if the change in voltage on any channel is greater than 10% (user configurable). Both features work simultaneously to support multiple application areas in one package.