The organic elemental analyzer ECS 4010 is based on the Dumas method for the simultaneous measurement of CHNS-O elements.
It represents an evolution of the elemental analysis techniques based on “flash combustion” / chromatographic separation. CO2, H2O, SO2 and N2 are separated in a GC column kept at a constant temperature set by the user within the range 30°C-110°C.
Manual gas settings
High sensitivity, accuracy and precision
Flexibility and versatility of application
Detector does not require reference gas
Powerful software for viewing results from a computer
Three types of samplers available: electronic / pneumatic / manual.
Easy connection to Mass Spectrometers and other detectors for stable isotope analysis
Low operation and management costs
Low initial instrument investment
Standby mode to save on gas, energy and time
The ECS 4010 is a fully automated, microprocessor-controlled analytical unit interfaced with a computer. The results can be viewed directly via PC using a special software.
The ECS 4010 is recommended for burning large quantities of sample (for example soil, sediment analysis). The ECS 4010 is also recommended for laboratories that analyze large numbers of samples.
This model is recommended for N; N, C; N, C, H; N, C, H, S analysis.
The double furnace configuration ensures optimized catalyst consumption.
The ECS 4010 has three main modules: sampling/combustion system (three different autosamplers are available with various types of reactors to ensure constantly optimized application), detection system and data handling system.
This is a high sensitivity analysis instrument,