The SBA 458 Nemesis' offers a versatile measurement setup that accommodâtes a wider range of sample geometries than is typically possible with this technique. This System enables measurements of electrical conductivitv—a physical property indicating a material's ability to transport electric charge—at températures up to 1100°C.
One of the standout features of the SBA 458 Nemesis® is its quick and convenient sample change process. Samples can be swapped out swiftly and effortlessly by hand, without the need for any tools. The use of sheathed thermocouples in the setup prevents the samples from sticking to the electrodes, ensuring smooth transitions between measurements.
The system also integrates a quality check mechanism through its innovative two-heater design. These heaters operate alternately at each temperature step, allowing for the immediate detection of deviations from linearity or hysteresis, which could indicate inaccurate measurements. This proactive monitoring enhances the reliability of the results.
Additionally, the fixed positions of the thermocouples mean that the often cumbersome process of determining their distance before each measurement is no longer necessary. This removal of a potential error source significantly enhances the precision and reproducibility of electrical conductivity measurements.
The unique design of the SBA 458 Nemesis® allows for a quality check of both the Seebeck coefficient and electrical conductivity. Even before a time-consuming temperature program is started, this quality check indicates whether a measurement can be performed without any errors.