The DMA GABO Eplexor® HT line is the only instrument series on the market which is able to carry out DMA measurements with a maximum dynamic force of 500 N to 1500°C.
A high-temperature furnaces from RT to 1500°C is available. With a standard furnace (-160°C to 500°C) simultaneously mounted, it is possible to perform consecutive test runs in both the low- and high-temperature range. Eplexor® HT instruments can thus cover the entire temperature span from -160°C to 1500°C.
The electronics within the system automatically identify which furnace is currently in use.
The Dynamic Mechanical Thermal Analyzer applies forced periodic loads to the sample and analyzes the phase shift between this primary excitation and the material’s response. The response of an ideal elastic system (e.g., spring) on a sinusoidal load at a given frequency is of the same frequency and exactly in phase with the excitation. The situation changes in a real system: A phase shift (δ > 0°) between the primary excitation and response of the same frequency occurs in the case of linear visco-elastic materials (e.g., polymers).
Technical Data
Temperature Range
-160°C to 1500°C
the full temperature range can be covered if the instrument is equipped with the low-temperature and one high-temperature furnace
Frequency Range
0.01 to 100 Hz;
optional: 0.0001 Hz; 200 Hz
Static Force Range
max. 1500 N
Dynamic force range:
from ± 25 N up to ± 500 N (depending on instrument type, see table)
Force sensor:
interchangeable; nominal forces available from 10 N to 500 N (depending on the instrument type and configuration)
Static displacement:
max. 60 mm