The Inspire® Blue is an innovative, easy to use and reliable doubling unit that efficiently converts the IR emission of Ti:Sapphire lasers (690–1040 nm) into the near-UV and visible wavelength range (345–520 nm).
• Femtosecond and picosecond versions
• Highest conversion efficiency
• Excellent beam quality
• Broad wavelength coverage with a single set of optics
• Non-linear spectroscopy
• Quantum optics
• Biochemistry
• Biophotonics
Novel Nonlinear Technology
Based on novel nonlinear technology, the Inspire Blue doubler provides exceptional beam quality, high conversion efficiency and reduced pulse broadening. The unit is available in both manual and automated versions and is compatible with the Spectra-Physics Mai Tai® HP femtosecond output as well as the Spectra-Physics Tsunami® HP femtosecond and picosecond outputs.
Synchronized Outputs
The Inspire Blue doubler also features synchronized outputs–the converted output in the near-UV and visible wavelength range (345–520 nm) and the unconverted fundamental output in the IR range (690–1040 nm)–enabling use of both beams in simultaneous experiments. Complete wavelength coverage is achieved with a single optics set to increase flexibility.
Doubling Unit
The Inspire Blue doubling unit is an excellent tool for a wide range of applications requiring femtosecond light pulses at MHz repetition rates.