The Inspire™ IR OPO delivers a wide, gap-free tuning range from 1000 nm to 1580 nm. Pumped with the Mai Tai® HP ultrafast Ti:Sapphire laser, the system also provides exceptionally high power across the full range. The Inspire IR OPO features user-friendly, computer-controlled tuning in a sealed hands-free package. The system’s robust design ensures high stability and insensitivity to ambient temperature change.
• Accepts a wide range of pump wavelengths
• Highest output power in the near IR
• Fully-automated, computer-controlled tuning
• Bio-Imaging
○ Coherent anti-Stokes Raman Scattering Microscopy (CARS)
○ Two-Photon Fluorescence Microscopy (2PF)
○ Three-Photon Fluorescence Microscopy (3PF)
○ Multiple wavelength pump-probe experiments
• Ultrafast Spectroscopy
○ Time-resolved spectroscopy
○ Vibrational overtone spectroscopy
○ Semiconductor research and spectroscopy
• Data Communications
• Synchronized output from two output ports—ideal for applications requiring more than one wavelength such as CARS
• Fully-automated hands-free wavelength tuning complete with automated cavity alignment to maintain optimal power and pulse durations