Special boring machine for end working machining operations on big dimensions parts
Specific machine for machining of end on big dimensions parts
Technical features:
BASAMENT in welded, stabilized ribed steel;
MACHINING UNIT sulle on linear sliding guides and roller slides;
CLAMPING SYSTEM hydraulic, self centering, controlled by CNC, diameters 150 ÷ 1600 mm;
d'ANDREA's HEAD special, model U-Tronic 1250 with automatic tool bocking-unblocking system;
Here you can see d'Andrea video;
TOOL MAGAZIN 8 positions "heavy duty";
TOUCH PROBE Marposs T25 automatic touch probe for parts dimensione data acquisition;
PARTS SUPPORTS self-adjustable in height, length and wide;
CHIP CONVEYOR automatic;
NUMERIC CONTROL Siemens 840D Solution Line;