High Température Fireproof Silica Cloth is a high température fabric that has been specifically developed to give a drapeable flexible cloth capable of offering excellent continuous high température protection. Our silica fabrics offer excellent résistance to métal splash.
High Température Fireproof Silica Cloth is woven from yarn that is composed of more than 96% silica, provide superior protection from high températures, sparks, and slag. Silica Fabrics are treated with an inorganic high température coating that improves abrasion résistance and remains with the fabric even at high températures.
Silica Fabric supports continuous operating températures up to 1800°F / 980°C and peak températures upto 2300°F / 1260°C. Texturised silica fabrics:
For added température and thermal insulation properties BSTFLEX also offers texturised Silica fabrics produced from texturized silica glass yarns with a Silicon dioxide percentage of more than 96%. Thickness 2.0 mm and 3.0 mm.
Welding blankets
Equipment protection
Insulation layers in pads and jackets
Welding pad
Furnace curtains
Thermocouple insulation wrap
Flame résistant barriers
Thermal barrier insulation