The display has red 20 mm high LED numbers, which can be read up to 10m. The reading is displayed up to six numbers, fixed zeros at the end are plausible. The meter can be altered for various sensor types by switching the input card. The device may be furnished with 2000 series output card, 2 or 3 relays card, or serial data card. One device may include two input cards and count one mathematical operation e.g. average.
Switching the sensor does not require calibration, the sensor type is chosen and the display is scaled by using the buttons in front of the device. Supply voltage options 85…240 VAC or 12…32 VDC. The meter provides 24 V, up to 150 mA power feed to the sensor. Casing size 100 x 100 x 57 mm.
Process input: 4…20 mA, V, Ohm.