Greerco High Shear Pipeline Mixers offer a wide range of products for use in continuous inline homogenization, particle size reduction or dispersion.
The Greerco Pipeline Mixer series is engineered and proven to provide many years of dependable service. The design exceeds the high quality standards necessary to achieve optimal process results and withstand the rigors of difficult processes that require high shear mixing.
Available in industrial and sanitary models
Single or multi-stage heads for process customization
The robust stator design handles severe duty better than competitive designs that utilize screen technology
The axial in-axial out flow path results in higher throughputs
with lower horsepower requirements
The entire process stream is directed through the mixing head, eliminating any chance of bypassing the shear zone
With over six decades of successful installations, the Pipeline Mixer has earned its reputation as an excellent solution for high shear applications
Due to the nature of most high shear applications, we offer an extensive rental pool for confirming the impact of Greerco High Shear technology on your process
Mixing Mechanism
Versatile body design allows for the use of either a single rotor-stator or tandem rotor-stators to meet desired process results
High speed turbine running in close proximity to a fixed stator creates intense hydraulic and shear forces
Tightly held tolerances on machined components allow for consistent and predictable performance
Mechanical Construction
Industrial Model
316SS wetted parts
Stellite® bushings
Single mechanical seal
Explosion-proof motors
Painted base, guard and supports