The EI Novatec manufacturing consists of a broad variety of modular fitments.
Purification and draining systems:
1.Ultrasonic purification and wash off, either based on clients needs or a modular method.
2. Standard base treatment systems for dipping and spray operation with single or outpouring stages.
3. Hot air dryers, infra - red dryers, vacuum dryers and centrifugal dryers.
4. Solvent dryers, ultrasonic de-greasing tools, spray purification tools.
5. Condensed ultrasonic purification tanks for lab or R & D purpose.
1. Piezoelectric and magnetostrictive ultrasonic generators, rimmed or bulk-head covered immersible transducers.
2. Obtainable work frequencies in the range of 18 to 100 kHz.
3. Standard production of the handling systems with load capability to a maximum of 1000 kg.
Air and water operations:
1. Water softeners and reverse osmosis
2. Active carbon water purification systems
3. Automatic or manual water demineralising systems
4. Ultra - purification systems and evaporators below vacuum that are user friendly and safe as per the norms.