TL400-I is a non-intrusive level sensor designed to offer maximum precision and durability in measuring liquids, grains, fluids, and bulk solids. Thanks to its advanced low-power laser technology, this device performs multiple measurements per second and converts them into information on level, volume, and distance. Its customizable Bluetooth capability makes it a versatile solution for different types of tanks, including those with irregular shapes.
Why Choose the TL400-I for Level Measurement?
Accurate measurements in industrial processes are essential for operational safety and efficiency. The TL400-I eliminates the disadvantages of traditional sensors that require direct contact with the material, which reduces their lifespan. This non-intrusive sensor ensures equipment integrity and provides accurate measurements throughout its lifecycle, with a minimal margin of error of ±3 mm.
Advantages of a Non-Intrusive Sensor
In industrial processes, it is essential to have measurement equipment that ensures reliability and durability, regardless of environmental conditions. By not making direct contact with materials, the TL400-I avoids corrosion and damage that often affect traditional sensors. Additionally, its easy Bluetooth configuration allows for remote and real-time parameter adjustment, enhancing safety and operational efficiency.
Optimization for Complex Industrial Processes
The TL400-I is ideal for industries handling moving liquids, viscous substances, or difficult-to-handle solids. Its advanced technology enables precise measurement in challenging conditions, eliminating the need for frequent equipment replacement due to wear and tear.