• All-fiber design
• 50 µm core diameter
• Diffraction limited output
• PM and non-PM versions available
• 1 ns pulses amplified to 100 µJ, 100kW peak power
Development of the new Very Large Mode Area Erbium Doped Fiber Amplifier Module was driven by increasing demand for high energy andhigh peak power pulses for a wide variety of industrial and scientific applications. The VLMA Amplifier Module builds upon the TrueMode™ Fiber Laser Cavity family designed for kilowatt single-mode fiber lasers for industrial machining and welding. OFS, a global market leader in the design and manufacture of rare-earth doped fibers, possess the expertise and experience in fiber fabrication necessary to meet that demand. OFS has been developing and manufacturing high-power components and modules for many years and understands the reliability standards expected in the diverse material processing applications.