Synthetic grease for bearing points subject to extremely high temperatures and corrosive environmental influences.
Areas of application
Lubrication of bearing points at furnace, cooling-bed and conveyor systems, motors and hot-air fans that are subjected to temperature stress
Suitable for lubricating exhaust-gas fans
Advantages and benefits
Reduces wear and friction
Good corrosion protection
Excellent temperature resistance
When operating temperature is exceeded, forms only minimal residues
Good plastic and elastomer compatibility
Technical specifications
consistency: 1-2 NLGI grade (DIN ISO 2137)
viscosity at (40°C): 400 mm²/s (base oil)
For optimum effect, carefully clean the lubricating point, for example with OKS 2610/OKS 2611 universal cleaner. Before filling for first time, remove anti-corrosion agent. Fill the bearing such that all functional surfaces are certain of being greased. Fill normal bearings up to about 1/3 of the free space inside the bearing. Low-speed bearings (DN value < 50,000) and their housings should be filled completely. The bearing and machine manufacturer's instructions should be observed. Subsequent lubrication at the lubrication nipples by grease gun or by automatic lubrication system. Assess the lubrication frequency and quantity on basis of service conditions.