AOK20B SERIES Automatic Mechanical Condenstate Drain has an operating pressure of 20 bar. The drain capacity is 167 l/h. The inlet connection is 1/2. The operating temperature range is 1.5 to 65°C. The product can be used with a variety of applications like air compressor (piston or screw), after-cooler cyclone condensate separator pressure vessel/air tank air dryer air filter. The unit allows for fully automatic discharge of condensate and other non-aggressive fluid from compressed air(1) systems. The drain can be installed on any specified applications. The aluminum reservoir collects the condensate and when the level reaches high enough, it will be discharged without any air loss. An efficient precise level controlled floater operates direct acting valve. The extremely strong aluminum housing of AOK20B makes it perfect for heavy duty applications. There is a separate manual drain for venting. AOK20B is used with several applications.