Hybrid signal analyzer for power utility automation systems
DANEO 400 is a hybrid measurement system that records and analyzes all conventional signals (voltages, currents, hard wired binary status signals) and messages on the communication network in a substation. It measures signals from both of these worlds and can provide information to assess their proper coordination. The device keeps track of what is going on in the substation by obtaining information on the operational status and communication.
A measurement system with multiple DANEO 400 units obtains a time aligned view on signals covering the entire scope of a distributed protection and automation system. All acquisition units are accurately time synchronized.
DANEO 400 units are configured and controlled by the DANEO Control PC software. A selected feature set is also available via the built-in DANEO 400 web interface.
Key features
- Hybrid measurement of analog/binary signals and network traffic
- Distributed recording with multiple time-synchronized devices
- IEC 61850 communication verification based on SCL information
- Live observation of measurement values and IEC 61850 messages
- Sophisticated, time-aligned signal and traffic analysis
- Measurement of propagation delays (e.g. for GOOSE and SV)
- Unattended operation in semi-permanent or permanent installations
- Insight view of IEEE 1588 time sources
- Supervision of the system and notification in case of events
- Documentation of results