Reliable electromagnetic imperfection testing for stator core defect detection
The Stator Core Measurement Upgrade Option reliably detects interlamination imperfections in the stator core of rotating electrical machines. Used together with our CPC 100 multi-functional testing device, our complete solution provides you with a frequency-selective, highly-sensitive and efficient measurement approach. The measurement sensor automatically moves along a mounted rail, scanning the entire length of the stator core surface below. You can move the rail to scan other areas of the stator core. The solution’s intuitive software allows you to generate reports on site with a single mouse click.
Key features:
- Semi-automatic scanning of the stator core
- Measurement and excitation in one solution
- Frequency-variable injection from 15 to 400 Hz
- User-friendly work flow using Primary Test Manager (PTM) software
- Automated reporting including results, graphs and heat map
- Easily extendable excitation cable to meet specific measurement requirements
- Multi-functional CPC 100 meets additional testing needs