-Designed specifically for Remote I/O Systems
-System sizes from 2 to 15 I/O modules per CPU
-Easy configuration using free software utility.
-Automatic I/O module identification and scanning
-No programming required but can be used for local control
-Built in Modbus protocol support for 3rd party connectivity
Maxiflex T2 CPU with Serial Port, Program Port . Programmable in Ezi Forth and Ezi List. Order M1831A programming cable if required.
The MAXIFLEX T2 CPU is designed specifically for remote I/O applications, offering powerful industrial network communications features with ease of use.
All local data is accessible through up to 64000 Data Interchange Registers in a single “Data Interchange Table”.
All system configuration data and dynamic data can be read and written through this convenient table interface.
Conventional remote I/O systems can be implemented without the need for any programming, although the inclusion of programming capability in the T2 with the powerful EziForth programming language allows local control functions to be performed.
Following the ISO OSI 7-layer model, this CPU includes a powerful inter-network routing capability for retrieving data from the corners of the factory in very large, geographically spread-out installations. This capability allows many dissimilar network types to be linked to create a seamless factory intranet, quite often without the need to layer special network cabling.