The CTlaser F6 is designed for precise non-contact temperature measurement of carbon monoxide flame gases, operating at temperatures up to 1650 °C, making the pyrometer ideal for applications such as combustion processes, waste incineration, and chemical reactor operations. Gas molecules emit infrared energy at specific wavelengths, forming absorption bands in the infrared spectrum. Infrared thermometers utilize filters to select wavelengths based on the absorption bands of targeted gases, defining the spectral range. At ambient temperature, carbon dioxide (CO₂) presents a strong absorption band at 4.24 µm, while carbon monoxide (CO) exhibits one at 4.66 µm. Elevated gas temperatures cause shifts in these absorption bands. Combustion gas behaves as a semi-transparent medium to infrared thermometers, necessitating sufficient density or volume of hot gas molecules for valid measurements, akin to visibility through fog. Measurement depth into the gas stream is influenced by gas temperature, type, and concentration.
The CTlaser F6’s spectral range around 4.66 μm ensures accurate temperature readings of carbon monoxide. Temperature ranges vary: 200 °C … 1450 °C for the F6 model and 400 °C … 1650 °C for the F6H model. System accuracy stands at ±1%, with repeatability of ±0.5% or +0.5 °C at an ambient temperature of 23 ± 5 °C. Featuring a spot size starting from 1.6 mm and optics of 45:1 with different focus points, this infrared thermometer ensures accuracy and flexibility in various settings.
Another noteworthy feature of the CTlaser F6 series is its double laser aiming marks, providing precise aiming support and minimizing alignment errors.