The Electrical Variable Analyzer Relay (EVAR) has been designed to continuous monitoring of a single or three-phase system. It provides metering for current, voltage, real power, reactive power, apparent power , energy use, cost of power, power factor and frequency. Programmable setpoints and 3 assignable output relays allow control functions to be added for specific applications. This includes protection on over/under current or voltage, unbalance current or voltage, frequency, power, power factor, demand and THD. With the harmonic analysis, any phase current or voltage can be displayed and the harmonic content calculated. The different functions provided by the EVAR may be classified into the following groups:
- Electrical variable analyzing of feeders, capacitor banks, transformer, generators and motors.
- Medium and low voltage 3 phase systems in sites commercial, industrial and utility.
- Power quality analysis.
- Flexible control for demand load shedding, power factor, etc.