How to perform a FFT analysis? Our FFT analyzer software module is fully dedicated to narrow band spectral analysis topics.
The FFT module offers standard to advanced analysis results:
Trigger blocks, averaged in time domain or instantaneous, weighted or not
Spectra (up to 25601 lines at 40 kHz) , instantaneous, averaged in spectral or time domain, averaged complex
Cross-spectra, FRFs (H1, H2), coherence, cross-spectra
Lissajous, envelope demodulation
Orders, overall bandwidth tracking
Acoustics and human vibration weightings
Any units: RMS, Peak, pk-pk, PSD, ESD, RMS PSD
Any integration: single/double integration (from acceleration to displacement), single/double differentiation (from velocity to angular acceleration)
Acquiring and reporting bump/impact tests has never been so easy:
The Force/Response windows apply to all channels simultaneously with a live overlaid of both weighted and not
It shows the coherence and averaged FRFs before accepting or canceling the impact
Impact route follows Excel-based steps sequence with direct indication and navigation from the NVGate control panel
Automatic peak detection in the spectra with immediate Excel feeding for live bump test reports