Renaissance is a comprehensive gamma spectroscopy solution for internal contamination monitoring using High and Low Resolution detectors (High Purity Germanium and Sodium Iodide) in a broad spectrum of rapid screening, detailed investigation, and fit for purpose measurement systems. It is easily configured for single or multiple detector measurements using fixed position or automated scanning systems, such as Standup, Chair, and Bed counters. And with secured system configuration, Quality Control, customized reporting capability, and an intuitive interface for routine operations and measurements, you can be confident in the quality of your personnel monitoring program!
Intuitive Operator Interface and Expert Mode
Renaissance has two distinct interface modules to manage Supervisory/Expert functions from those associated with routine measurement operations.
The Supervisor module is used for the initial system configuration, setting Operator permissions, and more detailed spectrum analysis evaluations. This module can also be used for customized measurement processes using automation Jobs similar to ORTEC’s flagship GammaVision application with the ability to analyze High and Low resolution spectra.
The Operator module provides a simple and intuitive interface for all routine operations including personnel measurements and instrument checks with minimal experience or training.
Key User Interface Features:
g Supervisor Module
Detector Configuration (HPGe and NaI)
Scan Type Configuration based on Detector Type, Analysis and Reporting options, and Motor Controlled Scan settings
Operator Permissions