A dipstick-style dilution refrigerator insert using Joule-Thomson condensation compatible with dry cryostats.
• Compatible with our Cryofree® TeslatronPT, or any VTI with a sample tube diameter of at least 50 mm.
• Automated gas handling system with software for data visualisation and remote control.
• Inner vacuum chamber (IVC) with automatic exchange gas control.
• The IVC is sealed using vacuum grease or CAF paste (no Indium is required).
• One spare 6 mm line-of-sight port for installing experimental wiring.
Options / Accessories
DC and RF Wiring
Flexible coax option
• Two flexible S1 stainless steel coaxial cables, from room temperature to the mixing chamber, suitable for low frequencies
• Suitable for signals up to MHz frequency
• Fisher connector at room temperature.
DC Wiring Option
• 24-way constantan loom with 12 twisted pairs wired to the mixing chamber
• 24-way Fisher connector at room temperature.