A superconducting intelligent magnet power supply.
• Based on ±60 A modules with ±10 V compliance.
• Can be configured in parallel, series and matrix modes from the basic ±60 A with ±10 V output up to ±600 A with ±10 V or ±300 A with ±20 V output configurations.
• Communications support a full range of interface options (Ethernet, USB, RS232, and optional GPIB) with downloadable Mercury function library for LabVIEW.
• Quench protection and auto-rundown. The MercuryiPS can be programmed to run the magnet down safely in the event of magnet temperature rise, low cryogen levels or if triggered by an external TTL signal.
• The MercuryiPS has an on-board temperature sensor for diagnostic monitoring of the magnet temperature.
Detailed Specifications
Configurable Module
• Output current: ± 60 A nominal (± 62.5 A maximum) via rear panel busbar per module
• Output voltage: ± 10 V
• Output polarity: Bi-polar
• Current setting resolution: 0.15 mA
• Current resolution: 0.1 mA
• Current stability: ± 2 mA
• Max sweep rate: 1200 A/min
• Min sweep rate: 0.005 A/min
• Resolution: 0.01 A/min
• Load inductance: Up to 1000 H
• Switch heater output: 0 to 120 mA into 0 – 100 Ω. (11.5 V compliance limit)
• Max steady state power: 600 W