ProteoxLX Cryofree® dilution refrigerator for quantum computing scale-up.
• Maximise qubit counts with large sample space and capacity for coaxial lines, with up to a maximum of 256* SMA connectors per LX using the custom Secondary Insert
• Get in touch to discuss higher density wiring options
• Exceptional capacity for input and output lines and signal conditioning components.
• Compatible with the Proteox dilution refrigerator Secondary Insert.
• Low vibration features for reduced noise and support of long qubit coherence times.
• Large cooling power with > 25 uW of cooling power available at 20 mK, low base temperature at < 7 mK and twin Pulse Tube Refrigerators (PTR) allows for several watts of dissipation at the 4 K plate (exceptional PTR damping).
Platform Solution
• Remote access through a web-based, platform-independent control software in addition to local system control
• Automation routines for one button operation
• Full manual control and programmable API interface for custom routines
• Powerful data interrogation and visualisation package with live plotting.
• Fully redeveloped gas handling system to ensure the minimum number of connections and o-ring seals
• Cross-braced stiffened frame that minimizes vibration transmission eliminating the need for active damping
• Modular, upgradable platform with cross-compatible magnet systems.