Maximize Performance, Versatility & Virtually Eliminate Downtime
The MS Series is a family of solid-state frequency converters with models from 62.5 to 625 kVA, standard 47 to 500 Hz (optional to 1,000Hz) with a unique master/slave configuration, which allows up to ten 62.5 kVA mainframes to be paralleled in the field. The MS Series is designed to maximize performance and versatility.
Pacific’s unique master/slave configuration allows up to ten 62.5 kVA mainframes to be paralleled in the field. Any mainframe may be designated as the master. A failed unit is automatically disconnected from the power grid providing unmatched mission reliability.
Pacific’s MS-Series Power Source Systems Feature
Maximum system reliability
Rugged, powerful output
Lower installation cost
All frequency operation
Lower maintenance cost
Facility/test power flexibility
Unmatched performance/price ratio
Simple display and diagnostics
Solid State Technology with Unmatched Price/Performance Ratio
Pacific MS-Series is a family of High Performance Line Conditioners/Frequency Converters that provides highly flexible, yet reliable, AC power ranging from 62.5 to 625 kVA. Using field-proven double conversion methods, the MS-Series offers unmatched power quality without sacrificing size or efficiency.
Input AC power is rectified to DC by a special input power supply section. This minimizes input current distortion and prevents the load power factor from reflecting back onto the utility line. The DC is then converted back to AC by a high frequency, solid state, pulse-width modulated switchmode inverter under the control of a highly stable digital oscillator.