Pallet magazine/ pallet dispenser for semi-automatic stacking and destacking of 1-5 empty pallets at a time at floor level using a push button.
PALOMAT 5 is now completely AC operated - 230V.
The pallet magazine/ pallet dispenser PALOMAT 5 - which is a part of our Stand Alone line - is ideal for stacking and destacling multiple pallets simultaneously. You insert or remove the 1-5 pallets at a time using a hand pallet truck, electric stacker or forklift truck. All pallet handling is carried out at floor level.
The PALOMAT 5 should be activated manually each time it is to perform a function; with just a tap on the reset- and next the start button the PALOMAT performs the stacking or destacking function. The PALOMAT 5 figures out itself if it should stack or destack. Handles 15 to 25 pallets.
If, for example, you wish to remove 3 pallets from PALOMAT 5, you will simply indicate this by selecting “3” on the adjustment knob and by pushing the reset- and next the start button. During stacking, the PALOMAT 5 is always ready to receive 1-5 pallets.
The pallet magazine/ pallet dispenser PALOMAT 5 includes a maximum indicator for 15 or 25 pallets, which is integrated in the PALOMAT. When 15/ 25 pallets are loaded, the PALOMAT destacks the entire stack.
The PALOMAT can handle all 4-way pallets in wood, plastic and metal no matter what the length, width or height. We can customise the PALOMAT 5 to exactly match the pallet size you use.