The groundbreaking collaboration between PALOMAT® pallet magazine and Autonomous Mobile Robots (AMR) lifts your internal logistics workflow to an even higher level. Bringing your business one step closer to the automated pallet handling of the future.
PALOMAT® AMR is designed for those who want to future-proof their business by elevating internal logistics and minimising manual pallet handling. You are guaranteed a healthy work environment, streamlined pallet flow in your production and increased efficiency.
PALOMAT® AMR collaborates with Autonomous Mobile Robots; A groundbreaking and innovative collaboration that boosts your infrastructure and releases the manpower previously spent on manual loading of the Autonomous Mobile Robot. PALOMAT® AMR ensures efficient palletising with automatic pallet stacking and destacking.
We can tailor the PALOMAT® to your AMR so you get a 100% customised solution.
Why choose PALOMAT® AMR?
Saves time and releases manpower for other value-adding tasks
Improves the workflow of any AMR with automatic pallet handling
Ensures constant and effective stacking/destacking of the AMR
Acts as a fully automatic pallet buffer and docking station
Streamlines internal logistics with an efficient pallet flow
Improves the work environment through safe cooperation with humans and other machines
Eliminates manual pallet handling
Easy installation and electrically powered from a 230V plug
STEP/DWG drawings, ready for implementation in your layout
Easy to connect with any AMR and ready for communication with interface.