Superior high-performance scanning
ADF and A3 flatbed scanning
Simplex and duplex
100 ppm/200 ipm speeds
200-sheet volume
Business card to A3-size
Supports 21-127g/m2 document weight
Pre-programme up to 9 jobs
One-touch scanning
Double-feed detection
Hardware image processing
Auto Rescan and Preview
Long paper (unlimited)
Site Central Manager Suite software
The new KV-S7097 marks the high-end addition to Panasonic’s market-leading flatbed scanners range, offering superior scanning speeds for enterprises large and small, without compromising on quality.
With one-touch duplex scanning of up to 200 sheets, built-in image processing features, and multi-size, multi-material functionality, the flexible KV-S70 Series saves valuable time and resources, whilst significantly increasing productivity.
With one-touch duplex scanning of up to 200 sheets, built-in image processing features, and multi-size, multi-material functionality, the flexible KV-S70 Series saves valuable time and resources, whilst significantly increasing productivity.