* Laser entertainment (light show) displays
* Small-beam Tomography and Microscopy
* Small-beam Laser Marking
*Optical Layout Templates
* Raster Image Projection
* Stronger magnetic field
* Stronger rotor and shafts
* Integrated back-supporting mirror mount design
* Long-life SV30/silicon dioxide ceramic, hybrid bearings
* Trapezoidal position sensor with high output and low noise
* Cooler-running motor magnetic design
* Highest-speed small-mirror scanning and positioning
* Wide-angle scanning, up to 110 degrees optical
* Convenient package size, compatible with many existing X-Y mounts
* Low coil resistance for low heat generation during scanning
* Low thermal resistance for enhanced heat removal
* Low wobble and jitter
The Saturn 1B optical scanner is specifically designed to achieve the highest acceleration and RMS duty cycle of any motor-driven-mirror in the 1mm to 4mm aperture range. Applications include laser entertainment displays and smallbeam laser marking and small-beam galvanometer-based raster imaging.
Due to the very-small-diameter moving magnet, along with the use of special bearing materials, the Saturn 1B boasts the highest peak torque-constant-to-inertia ratio of any moving magnet galvanometer scanner available, as well as a motor-constant-to-inertia ratio that is more than 90% greater than even those competitive galvanometers having twice the rotor inertia