Parker Aerospace's wing tank pump is a spar-mounted pump designed to supply fuel to the aircraft engine. The maximum discharge pressure is limited by an internal valve, and reverse flow through the pump is prevented by check valves.
For our wing tank pump, the main pumping element is a centrifugal impeller driven by a three-phase variable frequency induction motor, with -
the input frequency varying between 360 and 800 Hz. The canister is installed on the wet side of the spar with the pump element installed -
into the canister from the dry side; this allows the element that contains the motor and bearings to be replaced without draining the fuel tank. -
Ranging from fuel boost and transfer pumps to hydraulic brake and actuation pumps, potable water pumps, recirculation pumps, and APU -
fuel feed pumps, Parker Aerospac€s pumps add real power to both military and commercial aircraft. Our brushless, electric DC motor-driven -
pumps with sensorless or sensor-based electronic controls offer powerful advantages. -
• Variable frequency three-phase induction motor -
• Liquid ring element for priming -
• Pressure regulating valve to limit discharge pressure -
• Discharge check valves to prevent reverse flow -
• The motor is fuel cooled -
• The fuel-wetted carbon bearings allow for long-life fluid film design with no rotating shaft seals -
Commercial and regional transports