Parker Medium Pressure Fittings - IF Series - are permanent two piece crimp style hydraulic fittings that allow a quick assembly with our family adjustable crimpers.
Parker's Parkrimp No-Skivetwo piece medium pressure fittings IF sériés are permanent, crimp style hydraulic fittings that allow a quick assembly with our family of adjustable crimpers. Assembly of No-Skive hose and fittings does not require removal of the outer cover of the hose. This éliminâtes prématuré hydraulic hose failure caused by skiving too long or short. IF sériés fittings hâve chromium-6-free plating and are used with Parker suction and return line hoses such as hoses 811 & 811 S.
Matched hose und fitting System guarantees an approved and safe combination and the highest quality and safety combined with the longest service life of the final product to the end-users.
• - No-Skive technology offers the easiest and most efficient and safe production process to the assemblers.
• - Construction Equipment
• - Transportation
• - Forestry and Agriculture
• - Materials Handling