Building on Parker’s history of over 45 years of producing Nitrogen Generators, we are pleased to offer a nitrogen gas generator specifically designed to meet the needs of retail coffee establishments. Parker Nitrogen Generators eliminate the danger, inconvenience and high costs of truck delivered nitrogen. There is no need to rely on an outside supplier. The hassles of changing high pressure cylinders and the routine interruption of nitrogen supply is completely eliminated.
Parker Nitrogen Generators are also good for the environment because delivered nitrogen is manufactured using an energy intensive process and then distributed in smog generating trucks. Parker generators offer long term cost stability by eliminated vendor price increases, contract negotiations, long term commitments, tank rental fees, delivery fees and hazmat charges. Once the generator is installed, a continuous supply of high purity nitrogen is available within a few minutes of startup.
Cold brewed coffee may be enhanced with nitrogenation. Nitrogen becomes infused into the coffee, much like a nitro beer. Nitrogen unlike CO2 imparts a small bubble that creates an attractive cascade down the side of a glass. More importantly the small size of the nitrogen bubble creates a smooth, creamy finish in your mouth. Consumers even report that it is sweeter than conventional iced coffee.