he 1108 Vessel is the standard, 350 mL, general purpose vessel used in all Parr 6100, 6200 and 1341 Calorimeters, and in the 1901 Vessel Combustion Apparatus. It will safely burn samples liberating up to a maximum of 8000 calories per charge, using oxygen charging pressures up to 40 atm.
The standard 1108 Vessel is made of a special columbium stabilized stainless steel selected for its excellent resistance to the mixed nitric and sulfuric acids produced in a vessel combustion. This is a superior alloy that is suitable for most combustion tests, yet neither it nor any other stainless steel will resist the corrosive atmosphere produced when burning samples containing halogen compounds. For these applications Parr offers the 1108CL Vessel described below.
An oxygen filling system and other accessories for the 1108 Vessels can be ordered or a vessel complete with all necessary accessories can be obtained by ordering the 1901 Oxygen Vessel Apparatus.