This is a high-strength acid digestion vessel with a 23 mL, A255AC PTFE cup and cover in a strong outer body which can be made either of stainless steel or nickel. The 4746 stainless vessel is intended for use with nitric, sulfuric or other oxidizing acids, offering best resistance to any acid vapors which might migrate through the PTFE cup under high pressures. The 4747 Vessel with a nickel body is to be used with HCl, HF and other reducing acids. Working pressures up to 5000 psi and temperatures to 275 °C can be handled in the 4746 stainless vessel, but pressures in the 4747 nickel vessel must be limited to 3000 psi due to the lower physical strength of nickel. The 4746 stainless vessel has a safety rupture disc that will release through a passage in the bottom of the vessel. The nickel vessel does not have a blow-out passage since reactions with reducing acids are not potentially explosive.