GFA 50/100 3D borehole geo-phone is realized with 3x high sensitive geophones (nat.freq.10 Hz- 1 vertical and 2 horizontal sensors) oriented according to a triad of orthogonal Cartesian axes XYZ. Delivered with a cleat assembly to sustain its weight at the requested depth (GFA cable is graduated in meters), this borehole geophone has a pneumatic-mechanical clamping system.
Applications: DOWN HOLE / CROSSHOLE / Vs30
-3 x 10 Hz geophones (1vert.+2horiz.)
-cable length 50 or 100m, graduation 1 meter
-for boreholes with diameter from 50 and 110mm (larger diam. on request)
-probe dimensions: diam. 50mm, length 570mm
-cable reel dimensions: 540x400x250mm
-total weight (reel+cable+probe): less then 12 kg for Mod. GFA-50
-Cannon NK2721C or Souriau connector (other on request)
-cable reel with 50/100 m of cable
-pneumatic-mechanical clamping (with manual pump included)
-air purge valve