Makes them to highest quality
Top and bottom feed dogs on the variable top feed machines provide for positive and accurate fabric feed. This feature prevents twisting and plyshifting of the fabric being sewn, achieving high quality production.
These machines neatly perform shirring, piping and blindstitch hemming, operations that are difficult with bottom feeding alone, while preventing puckering. PegasusÅfvariable top feed machines ensure uniform quality during a wide variety of sewing operations.
High quality products with no twisting or plyshifting achieved by top and bottom feeding
Variable top feed machines feed the top ply as well as the bottom one. This prevents plyshifiting and twisting of the fabric being sewn, generally enhancing the visual characteristics and textures of the material, without any lose of the original properties of the fabric on sewn products.
Neat performance of shirring and piping
The top and bottom feed dogs are independently driven. Large differential feed ratios can be
obtained. These features increase feeding efficiency. Especially, shirring is effectively performed.