LC series loop detectors and in-ground induction loops from Pepperl+Fuchs create a universal sensor system for the reliable detection of vehicles such as cars, motorcycles, and bicycles.
The wire loops embedded in the ground act as the inductive mechanism for a high-frequency oscillating circuit. When a vehicle with metal parts approaches or stops within the wire loop, the frequency of the oscillating circuit changes. The signal output reliably detects the vehicle using potential-free relays. The dimensions of the detection range vary based on the size and shape of the induction loops.
n addition to the reliable detection of various vehicle combinations, the LC20 loop detector also enables quick diagnosis and data visualization via a user-friendly app. With intelligent features such as automatic frequency selection, even the installation of multi-lane access control systems is possible. The loop inductance of the LC20 sensors is 20 μH to 1500 μH. The sensor can be mounted with an 11-pin socket and a DIN mounting rail. Find the right module for modern vehicle detection.
The LC10 series loop detectors provide absolute safety and reliability in vehicle detection. The loop detectors are built into the 11-pin socket housing and can be mounted directly in switch cabinets. If users only need this basic function, the LC10 series provides an economical solution.