The metal body Bidirectional pig are the most common used type of pigging.
Are required for the different opertionals like maintenance, cleaning, start up and commissioning of every type of pipeline : gas, water and oil pipelines. The pigs can be equipped with cups, discs, brushes, magnets, and a high variety of accessories/options to able to have the best configuration for the application required. Are used for light and heavy cleaning, dewatering, filling, batching, separation, debris removal, drying and calibration of all type of pipelines
Pig Configuration:
The tool configuration is made up of 2 support discs and 4 seal discs separated by spacer discs mounted or a combination of spacers discs and a single fabricated spacer assembly. The front and rear of the tool are fitted with threaded retrieval noses to provide the primary locking method, aid the handling and retrieval of the tool and to prevent any metal to metal contact. Protector noses are fitted in conjunction with the retrieval nose on tools using spacers and flanges above Ø90mm. Both the threaded components are fitted with split pins to provide a secondary locking method.
Operational Duties during a Pipelines Lifespan:
Construction / Commissioning Phase : Cleaning / Filling / Dewatering
Operational Phase : Batching / Separation
Decommissioning Phase : Cleaning
Optional Items : The Pig can be fitted with optional ancillary items to suit specific multi functional operational duties. For Examples, gauge plates, magnet spacers, etc. Please note that not all options are available for all sizes. Please contact the sales department for further information.