Pig Signaller range combines the best features of all recognised pig signalling systems with several new ones. It is the results of over 20 years experience in signaller design and manufacture, total awareness of current market requirements and a continuous development program. Unique features of the Pig Sig range include :
• Intrusive Pig Signaller can be fitted to most existing signaller bosses, for greater flexibility
• Intrusive Pig Signaller can be fitted to all sizes of pipeline over 2” in diameter, to meet just about all your
• Intrusive Pig Signaller comes with mechanical/visual indicator, electrical indicator, or a combination of both, for
maximum flexibility
• Intrusive Pig Signaller can be removed, serviced and replaced under full line pressure with specially designed
removal tools, no need to shut down the line
• Intrusive Pig Signaller does not use dynamic seals, for low maintenance costs and emission controls
• Intrusive Pig Signaller Boss mounting type can be fitted to live pipelines using existing hot tapping system (subject to
pressure limitations), so your pipeline can continue to operate.