The offline DFC systems include a fraction collector or an auto sampler which will collect the sampled dissolution media. The semi-automated DFC-620SP system is composed of a PTWS 620 staggered stirrer start dissolution bath with built-in individual vessel centering, full tubing installation in PTFE including either in-situ sampling probes or the EPE-620 auto sampling system, a PT-SP8 syringe pump, and a PTFC-2/8 fraction collector. In this configuration the sampling probes are either always immersed into the media (in-situ) or removed after sampling (EPE-620 system). Both procedures are widely used.
Semi Automated Tablet Dissolution Testing
Semi-automated in this case means auto sampling for a dissolution test instrument at pre-programmed times. Automating this step alone eases the dissolution job a lot. After all tablets have been dropped, the dissolution test proceeds automatically and all samples are simultaneously removed from each connected vessel. The sample is delivered into a connected fraction collector by a peristaltic-, or the PT-SP syringe pump.
These systems do not require any external PC software to control them (the WinDiss ARGUS dissolution software package can be used optionally). Sampling information is entered directly at the connected PTWS 620 dissolution testing instrument. All Pharma Test tablet dissolution test instruments can be upgraded with a pump and PTFC-2/8 fraction collector or DSR-M sampling robot.
This involves the removal of 6 samples according to the USP/EP and most other Pharmacopoeia, there is often a requirement for a fast or parallel start in most cases so that accurately timed sampling may be achieved.